
Il significato della parola Reasoning è: thinking; figuring


When the couple fell in love, all logical reasoning flew out the window.

published by Donnette on 2021-06-17 23:33:11

The reasoning behind the family’s move was that they thought Seattle would be a safer city for the kids than Memphis.

published by Ingrid on 2021-08-29 11:47:15

The part of the brain that controls reasoning was injured, causing the patient to have trouble figuring things out.

published by Eulalia on 2021-02-18 00:39:00

Reasoning problems take a great deal of thinking skills to solve correctly.

published by Elva on 2021-10-13 09:31:04

When asked about her reasoning for firing the kitchen worker, the chef didn’t have a good answer.

published by Elissa on 2021-12-27 07:57:33

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