
Il significato della parola Skewer è: a piece of metal or wood used to suspend food while cooking


Roasting s’mores over the fire on a skewer is one of our camping traditions.

published by Kandis on 2021-02-07 21:29:51

Removing the shrimp form the skewer it was roasted on, the woman began to prep the salad.

published by Lue on 2021-08-10 10:41:18

A metal skewer was inserted into the center of the roast to see if it was done.

published by Sharri on 2021-07-23 12:15:36

Some meat was rotated on a wooden skewer, while others marinated in a pan.

published by Deann on 2021-12-25 20:40:42

Piercing the potato with a skewer, the chef pondered how he could increase the flavor of the spud while it roasted.

published by Janean on 2021-10-10 06:30:58

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