
Il significato della parola Stable è: the human state of being balanced, sensible, and sane


The Joker from Batman is not a stable individual in any way.

published by Ezekiel on 2021-07-26 22:41:55

Someone who laughs maniacally when plotting world domination is probably not stable.

published by Wayne on 2021-07-06 22:19:49

If you can handle stress and trouble without a nervous breakdown, you are a stable person.

published by Houston on 2021-10-08 19:06:03

People with multiple personalities are likely not stable.

published by Monroe on 2021-04-13 10:38:24

A sane man reacts to thing in life in a completely normal, regular way.

published by Celena on 2021-09-29 03:14:21

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