
Il significato della parola Supervene è: to occur unexpectedly


The train’s arrival will supervene because it had to stop for minor repairs therefore delaying its routine.

published by Allen on 2021-06-12 15:22:09

Due to supervene of war, the soldiers’ usual life will soon be interrupted when they are deployed.

published by Keila on 2021-02-06 17:25:30

Unpredictably, the awards assembly will supervene since the end time of the graduation is up in the air.

published by Sheba on 2021-12-14 04:22:42

It was not the slow-spreading cancer that caused his death but it was supervene of his brain aneurism.

published by Misha on 2021-11-05 02:35:17

The clown’s arrival will supervene the party because variably no one knows when he’ll show up.

published by Stephan on 2021-02-06 21:44:45

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