
Il significato della parola Taxing è: requiring significant physical or mental effort


For some people, high level mathematics is simple, but for others even algebra can be taxing and mentally exhausting.

published by Han on 2021-01-16 22:19:08

Many young parents find it especially taxing to care for young children, since they do not have the experience of dealing with the noise and the endless energy.

published by Arnold on 2021-12-06 08:38:22

Introverts often find it very taxing to deal with extroverts all day, since the latter tend to grate on individuals that need solitude every once in a while.

published by Wm on 2022-01-06 13:41:10

I find it taxing when I am forced to deal with people that I don’t get along with, but sometimes there is no other alternative.

published by Genevieve on 2021-04-13 15:27:38

It is extremely taxing to work in dangerous lines of work for a living, since you are under stress and risk every day in those situations.

published by Wiley on 2021-02-23 19:43:10

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