
Il significato della parola Unable è: incapable; not able


The principal was unable to attend the meeting and sent two of her teachers instead.

published by Drucilla on 2021-10-29 01:14:18

Although I was unable to remember the man’s name, I knew his face as soon as I saw him.

published by Tran on 2021-10-11 13:48:08

The woman was unable to pay her rent this month and may lose her home.

published by Merlene on 2021-02-28 16:15:50

Because I have been sick, I am unable to go on the beach trip with my sisters.

published by Chieko on 2021-03-31 05:10:07

Several of the men were unable to find their wallets after a thief came through the crowd.

published by Bruce on 2021-03-27 06:54:05

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