
Il significato della parola Unscrupulous è: unconcerned about doing what is right


The unscrupulous teacher offered to raise her student’s grade if he gave her one hundred dollars.

published by Ollie on 2021-01-15 04:42:28

When the unscrupulous insurance salesman sold me the policy, he did not tell me it would not be active for six months.

published by Marianne on 2021-04-15 12:05:26

The unscrupulous drug company lied about the benefits of its new drug.

published by Dinorah on 2021-06-23 12:46:28

During the experiment, the unscrupulous scientist conducted drug tests on monkeys.

published by Angella on 2021-08-24 16:56:59

The unscrupulous banker was happy when he foreclosed on the elderly woman’s farm.

published by Darin on 2021-11-01 04:11:13

Because the doctor was an unscrupulous man, he often charged his patients for tests he did not perform.

published by Treva on 2021-08-16 09:08:37

The unscrupulous ticket scalper sold me fake tickets.

published by Stanley on 2021-12-24 07:06:13

Last month, several unscrupulous stockbrokers used insider knowledge to make gigantic personal trades.

published by Piedad on 2021-01-19 23:05:54

My neighbor is an unscrupulous woman who pretends to be a psychic in order to con trusting people.

published by Dulcie on 2021-10-18 12:40:48

Because the used car salesman was unscrupulous, he never gave people fair value for their cars.

published by Hui on 2021-09-13 10:34:52

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