
Il significato della parola Afflatus è: a skill or gift that seems to be given by a God or higher power


The dancer was struck with afflatus and moved like she was gifted with skills from the gods.

published by Lorriane on 2021-04-08 19:23:47

Rasputin was rumored to be compelled by afflatus or heavenly inspiration that enabled him to heal the sick and fight off death.

published by Kindra on 2021-08-05 21:29:13

Saints are said to be filled with afflatus gifted from God that gives them healing power and special communication with heaven itself.

published by Robin on 2021-01-31 13:18:28

Psychics are said to possess afflatus from the divine that helps them predict the future.

published by Miyoko on 2021-12-21 10:08:33

Beethoven had afflatus that allowed him to imagine the music that he could not hear because he was deaf.

published by Leola on 2021-11-02 06:54:16

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