
Il significato della parola Applaud è: to congratulate by clapping


Following the wonderful performance of the local opera company on opening night, the audience did applaud by standing up at the end and cheering.

published by Stephanie on 2021-02-24 15:07:46

When the man gave the terrific persuasive speech at the conference, the observers applaud with gusto by putting their hands together.

published by Bennett on 2021-01-26 04:27:33

As the military soldiers were entering the bus terminal following a lengthy deployment, the crowd began to applaud to show their gratitude for their service.

published by Lorine on 2021-12-06 21:39:16

The friends and family would stand up and applaud loudly when the couple turned around and were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Greg Taylor at the end of the wedding.

published by Karly on 2021-02-20 07:24:17

During the staff meeting, Paul was given the well-deserved new position of vice-president of community affairs which immediately led to the other employees starting to cheer and applaud.

published by Leslee on 2021-02-06 12:54:56

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