
Il significato della parola Changeling è: a boy or girl who is replaced with another child either on purpose as part of a scheme or by accident


In order to make the mother believe her daughter had been found, a changeling was sent in as a substitute who closely resembled her daughter.

published by Isobel on 2021-07-09 05:16:37

After the kidnapping, the father complained to the police that his son never returned to him from his abductors because now a changeling was in his son’s place.

published by Kati on 2021-12-26 16:40:07

“During my weird nightmare last night, I dreamed little Timmy disappeared somehow and a changeling looking exactly like him was laying in his crib,” the husband told his wife.

published by Vincenza on 2021-12-11 20:28:25

Because the man wanted the reward money, he used the missing child poster to find a changeling resembling the missing child.

published by Tennille on 2021-06-25 19:35:28

In the science fiction movie, a member of each family was swapped with a changeling made from robotic parts looking exactly like the taken family member.

published by Myesha on 2021-10-12 14:57:13

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