
Il significato della parola Circuitous è: not said or done simply or clearly


Because the spy did not want to give away the location of his headquarters, he always took a long and circuitous route to his office.

published by Myrtice on 2021-10-12 20:55:23

My boss asked me to simplify the circuitous language for the average reader.

published by Long on 2021-03-16 05:49:16

Because the bookshelf came with circuitous instructions, I was unable to put it together properly.

published by Merrie on 2021-10-18 03:53:05

Some of the younger children got confused by the circuitous design of the maze and began to cry for their parents.

published by Debrah on 2021-03-16 08:44:59

After we hiked through the circuitous trail, we were so exhausted we collapsed on the front porch of the cabin.

published by Clay on 2021-05-16 21:30:07

The salesman’s circuitous demonstration of the product left the potential customers with many unanswered questions.

published by Nadia on 2021-12-15 21:25:48

While my instructor is an expert in the subject he teaches, he often speaks in such a circuitous manner that I find it difficult to understand any of his lessons.

published by Jeanette on 2021-05-21 02:37:09

The regulations for the president’s new healthcare plans are so circuitous that many of us are seeking alternative policies.

published by Edda on 2021-04-03 11:47:27

When I lost the directions to the restaurant, I ended up taking a circuitous route that made me late for my own birthday party.

published by Miriam on 2021-05-06 20:57:37

While John said his directions would get us home quickly, his route actually took us on a more circuitous path that led us miles out of the way.

published by Emeline on 2021-10-06 05:46:09

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