
Il significato della parola Frippery è: something that is showy or gaudy to the point of appearing silly or unnecessary


Skipping out on the frippery, the engaged couple decided to spend their money on a new home instead of a showy wedding.

published by Maudie on 2021-02-19 18:10:37

The over spender spent her money on silly frippery instead of investing in her future.

published by Abbey on 2021-01-15 12:26:39

Instead of buying practical clothing she could wear to work, Allison spent her money on expensive scarves and other frippery.

published by Lena on 2021-05-08 17:32:37

The king enjoyed spending his wealth on fun and frippery, often hiring jugglers and musicians for his own amusement.

published by Zelma on 2021-10-08 23:59:41

My sister thinks that wearing gaudy jewelry is fashionable but I hate that kind of frippery.

published by Nita on 2021-08-13 20:10:56

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