
Il significato della parola Generic è: describing something that is plain, uniform, or ordinary and typically forgettable


The guards at the gate were rather generic today, being so plain that I can’t even remember what they looked like.

published by Demetria on 2021-07-02 20:39:46

Oreo cookies are generic, each and every one of them looking just like the cookie right next to them in the package.

published by Cathleen on 2021-03-28 16:41:43

Many action movies today are so generic with their plots that you can predict what is going to happen from start to finish.

published by Mathilde on 2021-06-10 04:38:49

Some people consider brown or black hair to be kind of generic compared to stark colors like red and blonde.

published by Tilda on 2021-01-23 08:28:53

If you are the kind of person that does not really pay attention to detail, many of the people you pass during the day probably seem generic and interchangeable to you.

published by Devona on 2021-06-24 18:23:22

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