
Il significato della parola Oppose è: to go against something


Due to Sheila’s religious belief that life is precious, she would oppose the death penalty for any crime.

published by Loretta on 2021-02-13 12:49:46

Wanting a more serene and natural setting, many neighbors in the area oppose the idea of condominium developments being built on the land.

published by Kristofer on 2021-11-21 06:52:31

Once the community voiced their anger towards drug dealing in the neighborhoods, they would oppose any suspicious activity by calling the police.

published by Horace on 2021-03-30 02:40:26

In the early 1900s, many women would oppose officials by protesting in the streets for women’s right to vote.

published by Arianna on 2021-05-30 11:26:46

Members of the Lakewood Basketball Team oppose the cheap shots and poor sportsmanship conducted by the rival team.

published by Jerlene on 2021-11-30 08:48:24

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