
Il significato della parola Overall è: all parts, referring to the whole of something


While the overall effectiveness of a squad is the most important thing in the military, it’s the skill of the individual soldiers that make the squad effective.

published by Ariane on 2021-04-03 06:04:44

The overall performance of a sports team is not reliant on any one player, but rather all of the players working together.

published by Hope on 2021-03-28 19:14:01

The cost of each item I’m buying is ten dollars, but since I am buying three the overall cost of my grocery trip will be thirty dollars.

published by Marinda on 2021-07-13 13:57:15

Overall, my group of friends is silly and fun-loving, but individually we can still be serious when we need to be.

published by Ling on 2021-10-16 02:03:08

Due to the rain, the dark clouds, and the cold, the overall atmosphere today is rather dreary and depressing.

published by Melonie on 2021-03-21 09:00:08

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