
Il significato della parola Pleasant è: giving pleasure; pleasing in manner; nice


Because Laura is such a pleasant person to be around she is always making new friends.

published by Arianna on 2021-07-09 22:06:22

The pleasant weather was too much to resist so we spent the day at the beach.

published by Homer on 2021-09-27 19:59:47

I was excited to learn that Bob was dating my sister because he has a pleasant and agreeable nature.

published by Bryant on 2021-08-31 13:54:41

I love to sit out on the porch that overlooks the bay because the atmosphere is so pleasant and relaxing.

published by Artie on 2021-10-14 19:34:35

As a salesman, Jerry makes use of his pleasant smile because it has a calming effect on people.

published by Bessie on 2021-08-09 10:34:05

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