
Il significato della parola Sage è: a wise individual who gives others helpful advice


The sage of the Indian tribe was able to heal the badly wounded man.

published by Lili on 2021-10-25 23:42:48

When I have questions about my courses, I often seek advice from my sage, my college mentor.

published by Carry on 2021-05-24 09:45:54

My father was the sage who kept everyone in my family on a straight path by giving us guidance before it was even requested.

published by Mia on 2021-12-31 05:36:56

Since Andy had questions about saving money for his retirement, he sought advice from a financial sage.

published by Corazon on 2021-02-01 13:58:26

In my family, my eldest sister has always been considered the sage we can all turn to with our relationship problems.

published by Vivien on 2021-06-16 07:12:51

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