
Il significato della parola Suffocate è: to take the life of someone or something by forcing their air intake to be stopped


Plastic bags are dangerous to small children because placing one over their heads could make them suffocate.

published by Jacquelyne on 2021-10-07 01:58:19

In the house fire many people do not die from being burned, but they suffocate from smoke inhalation.

published by Chassidy on 2021-12-06 14:07:19

When the victim’s face turned blue, it was obvious to the nurse that he did suffocate from the pillow being placed over his face.

published by Mike on 2021-10-15 13:46:21

Detective Phillips noticed the marks around the victim’s neck causing him to believe that the man did suffocate by strangulation.

published by Grazyna on 2021-05-11 23:56:07

Warning labels can be seen on many children’s blankets since they could suffocate if the fabric gets trapped around their mouths.

published by Junko on 2021-04-01 02:49:29

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