
Il significato della parola Talkative è: someone who likes to speak a great deal


Jessica’s best friend was extremely talkative and rarely paused to catch her breath between sentences.

published by Lonny on 2021-06-10 19:47:27

Ryan hated when his talkative grandmother called him on the phone because he knew it would be hours before he could hang up without hurting her feelings.

published by Dexter on 2021-07-23 23:56:21

The young writer loathed when a talkative person sat beside her and chatted on the phone while she tried to work.

published by Phuong on 2021-11-11 01:24:48

Unlike her talkative friends, Layla preferred silence and a good book to mindless to chatter.

published by Georgette on 2021-12-23 07:27:44

The honors student put in her headphones whenever the talkative cheerleaders wandered near her study table at the library.

published by Andrea on 2021-08-03 06:36:35

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