
Il significato della parola Vituperate è: to insult or verbally attack someone using abusive language


We are sure that the nail technicians vituperate us in their own language when they are irritated.

published by Iris on 2021-03-23 03:58:13

The woman’s husband tends to vituperate her when he drinks, always insulting her with foul remarks.

published by Jacqualine on 2021-01-23 13:26:51

To vituperate someone is almost as bad as assaulting them physically.

published by Raymon on 2021-02-16 11:42:33

Because the coach continued to vituperate his team with abusive talk, he was given a warning by the college dean.

published by Marcie on 2021-02-14 05:41:06

It is not illegal to vituperate someone, but speaking to a person in such an insulting way is frowned upon.

published by Rina on 2021-02-14 14:26:49

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