
Il significato della parola Winding è: a twisting or curving path with many turns


We took a winding trail throughout the woods that got us where we wanted to be, but not without a lot of twists and turns.

published by Jonathan on 2021-10-05 21:31:29

Many roads that go up mountains are winding roads, since they must twist around the mountain to get to the top.

published by Freeda on 2021-08-31 05:16:41

If you ask me, drag racing is kind of boring since the racers only go in a straight line rather than a winding circuit.

published by Mila on 2021-03-08 19:04:13

I would not consider a path to be a winding one unless it had at least four turns or twists in it.

published by Amina on 2021-02-19 11:29:57

A hiking trail would be very boring if it were just a straight path through the woods, which is why hiking trails are usually winding in nature.

published by Chas on 2021-05-25 19:03:02

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