Bona Fide

Il significato della parola Bona Fide è: real or done honestly


The jeweler stated the large diamond was bona fide and valuable.

published by See on 2021-06-15 15:39:12

Because the man had lied about having a medical degree, he was not a bona fide doctor.

published by Mira on 2021-10-12 17:51:29

To make sure you are a bona fide buyer, the real estate agent will check your credit before allowing you to view the house.

published by Willetta on 2021-11-04 19:42:27

Unlike the sneaky man at the pawn shop, the bank manager made Harold a bona fide loan offer.

published by Jovita on 2021-06-08 04:42:29

When she married the prince, the commoner became a bona fide royal.

published by Johnsie on 2021-07-22 22:13:48

The results of the test were not bona fide because they did not include the negative side effects.

published by Shera on 2021-05-31 21:29:12

Before I decide to buy your company, I will have my accountant review your financial documents to make sure they are bona fide.

published by Garrett on 2021-06-14 02:38:05

These strategies have been shown to be bona fide and are guaranteed to increase your firm’s revenue.

published by Karima on 2021-04-25 18:52:42

It is obvious from the number of music downloads that the singer’s new song is a bona fide hit.

published by Scott on 2021-09-10 00:37:15

In order to receive a refund for your missing parcel, you will need to show the postal clerk a bona fide receipt for the item.

published by Verlene on 2021-03-13 11:34:10

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