
The meaning of the word Conjugate is: to combine or fuse two things together, typically referring to words such as ‘can’t.’


In the English language, we conjugate many different words for convenience, such as ‘won’t’ for ‘will not.’

published by Annalee on 2021-05-22 06:12:48

Because we like to speak our mind as quickly as possible, we often conjugate words that are seemingly too long to utter in their entirety, such as ‘would not.’

published by Monte on 2021-09-17 00:01:11

By now, the words we conjugate in English would sound very out of place, which is why almost no one says ‘I could not do that.’

published by Chester on 2021-02-10 03:46:40

Two people conjugate when they marry, joining together in both relationship and living space, most of the time.

published by Jon on 2021-04-28 08:16:47

If you weld two pieces of metal together with a blow torch, you conjugate them into one solid whole.

published by See on 2021-02-14 19:42:33

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