
The meaning of the word Escapism is: avoidance of the real world and finding comfort in daydreams and fantasy


Escapism was his favorite pastime, preferring to immerse himself in video games over homework.

published by Keven on 2021-06-26 10:01:15

The young girl was a professional at escapism, always pretending to be a princess living in a spacious castle when her parents fought.

published by Daniell on 2021-05-08 02:01:38

Escapism at its best, the teen’s dragon game helped his getaway from his grim reality.

published by Ching on 2021-04-16 19:37:37

Even though she knew she should be studying for her next exam, the student indulged in escapism, day dreaming about becoming a millionaire.

published by Lavon on 2021-10-06 17:38:35

Confusing fantasy with reality, his stretches of escapism left him unclear about what was real and fake.

published by Eric on 2021-07-27 15:27:36

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