
Le sens du mot Notably est: in a manner that is remarkable or greater than expected


Jim was notably absent from his wedding reception.

published by Craig on 2021-07-31 22:39:52

In the singing competition there are several talented performers, most notably the purple-haired woman with the angelic voice.

published by Margo on 2021-09-02 23:47:34

Will’s reading skills notably improved once he started reading comic books.

published by Adolph on 2021-10-13 19:44:24

Because Heather’s dancing ability has not progressed notably, there is no reason for her to continue taking the class.

published by Zula on 2021-07-02 21:06:35

The loud-mouthed politician was notably absent from the debate.

published by Kendal on 2021-09-02 00:02:35

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