Nouveau riche

Le sens du mot Nouveau riche est: someone who recently became wealthy


After having many investments pay off last month, a nouveau riche bought a new sports car and house after trading in his broken-down car and shack.

published by Moses on 2022-01-06 21:06:49

As the nouveau riche was mingling with the other people from the upper class, she didn’t recognize anyone since she just won the lottery.

published by Cristobal on 2021-09-10 14:11:49

After becoming a nouveau riche since his mother married a rich man, the young man now would only associate with other affluent people.

published by Stephenie on 2021-11-01 15:56:23

It became obvious that the nouveau riche lived in the mansion since she was still decorating with her usual cheap decorations.

published by Janis on 2021-05-07 02:43:21

When the nouveau riche moved into town, they bought every expensive thing in sight since they had never had money like this before.

published by Wendell on 2021-07-03 09:05:25

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