
The meaning of the word Reconnoiter is: to survey a place or situation for planning purposes


Before the event, we will reconnoiter the venue so we can design the evening’s seating arrangements.

published by Julissa on 2021-05-08 23:00:32

The thief opened a bank account so he would have an opportunity to reconnoiter the bank’s security.

published by Billy on 2021-12-19 05:20:12

Because Jane wanted the perfect wedding, she decided to reconnoiter several wedding chapels before making a final decision.

published by Lilla on 2021-12-24 20:39:37

Hank will reconnoiter numerous acres of land to ensure he is choosing the best property for his family home.

published by Kyra on 2021-09-26 13:15:48

Before the championship game, the players will watch hours of video to reconnoiter the opposing team’s strategies.

published by Marry on 2021-01-17 15:11:10

A team of highly trained police officers will reconnoiter the house before the raid.

published by Nicolette on 2021-08-21 22:46:39

To plan a solid defense, we must reconnoiter our enemy’s movements.

published by Altagracia on 2021-04-20 09:53:21

Today, the location scout will reconnoiter the city park to see if it is suitable for the movie’s wedding scene.

published by Mervin on 2021-04-13 19:15:28

Unfortunately computer technology has made it very easy for thieves to reconnoiter the homes of the rich and famous.

published by Librada on 2021-04-08 17:30:25

The scout’s job was to reconnoiter the ten-mile stretch of road ahead of the nightly camp.

published by Inez on 2021-10-14 19:24:52

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