
The meaning of the word Scan is: to look at something carefully in order to find something


As he continued to scan the horizon, the hunter was able to spot a flock of geese in the distance.

published by Jaclyn on 2021-10-17 07:40:11

Without being able to stop and scan the crowd, there was no way for the player to know if his parents were in the crowd.

published by Jayne on 2021-02-28 04:33:16

The investigator continued to scan the file for vital information but found none.

published by Jesica on 2021-11-10 00:04:04

Without his glasses, it was impossible for the speeding driver to scan the street for roadblocks.

published by Deana on 2021-04-04 18:06:19

A quick scan of the disheveled room caused the naturally organized young woman to cringe.

published by Mardell on 2021-11-23 21:18:53

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