
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Craven ist: cowardly


My husband James proves he is not craven every time he runs into a burning building to save a stranger.

published by Santana on 2021-01-16 04:55:25

When the company went bankrupt, the craven CEO quickly flew out of the country to avoid having to answer to his former employees.

published by Eulalia on 2022-01-01 23:20:18

Josh is such a craven individual that he did not bother to stand up for his wife when a stranger attacked her.

published by Novella on 2021-11-11 14:05:56

Are you so craven you will snitch on your friends to avoid getting into trouble?

published by Grover on 2021-08-14 23:32:56

The craven employee shocked everyone when he finally stood up to his mean boss.

published by Ian on 2021-06-03 03:10:06

While I was ready for the fistfight, my craven enemy started to scream for help.

published by Jenine on 2021-07-20 02:50:51

The craven politician fled the scene when the media surrounded his office to question him about his indiscretions.

published by Marni on 2021-06-11 14:19:23

Because police officers must be fearless, craven people should not apply for positions in law enforcement.

published by Serafina on 2021-08-15 10:16:26

The craven soldier deserted his post and ran away from the battle.

published by Pa on 2021-10-28 20:26:12

After the craven kitten climbed the tree, it became so frightened it would not return to the ground.

published by Leona on 2021-03-12 11:06:49

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