
Die Bedeutung des Wortes Savagely ist: to do something brutally and viciously


When the dog incessantly barked, the hot-tempered man savagely beat the dog resulting in a bloody mess.

published by Portia on 2021-01-29 00:16:08

The shocked jurors were shown the crime scene photos displaying how the couple was savagely assaulted.

published by Vernita on 2021-02-25 04:28:00

Viet Cong savagely attacked American soldiers with guns shooting off limbs and penetrating through the soldiers’ bodies.

published by Sung on 2022-01-07 06:58:21

Even though the common custom for the tribe members included savagely slaughtering a lamb for their daily meal, the visitors accepted this gesture by eating the animal.

published by Roma on 2021-09-19 01:13:26

Wild beasts caught the little rabbit and savagely tore the animal apart limb by limb.

published by Gerri on 2021-03-23 05:26:35

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