
El significado de la palabra Masquerade es: to assume a false identity


The con man decided to masquerade as a missionary to bilk the church out of its savings.

published by Myles on 2021-04-18 04:51:32

In front of the media, the crooked politician will masquerade as a decent human being.

published by Elba on 2021-03-10 08:00:02

The thieves masquerade as gas company employees so they can get inside your home.

published by Belle on 2021-12-29 07:27:22

At the ball, I will wear a costume and masquerade as a princess in search of my prince.

published by Vida on 2021-05-26 09:21:54

A cheating husband who lives on his wife’s income will usually masquerade as a loving spouse.

published by Dolores on 2021-10-06 09:11:33

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