
Le sens du mot Congeal est: to change from a liquid to solid state


They refrigerated the liquid gelatin so it would congeal before they ate it.

published by Irwin on 2021-08-04 20:51:15

She wanted to wash the frying pan before the bacon fat had a chance to congeal.

published by Chas on 2021-12-02 13:01:05

Before I could put a bandage on, my blood begun to congeal on my cut.

published by Osvaldo on 2021-12-21 08:05:06

Once it was cold, the fat would congeal on top of the stew.

published by Yvonne on 2021-02-17 18:40:47

Our experiment was ruined when the matter started to congeal instead of remaining in liquid form.

published by Milda on 2021-04-16 09:35:57

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