
Le sens du mot Intrude est: to come or enter without invitation, permission, or welcome; to trespass


Gaby opened my door saying that she did not mean to intrude, but that someone was waiting to speak to me for over an hour.

published by Roxane on 2021-02-27 06:57:49

Barry warned the man with the yellow hat not to intrude on the meeting or that he would have to lock the door.

published by Carlena on 2021-10-06 02:34:35

After mice began to intrude on Ashley’s kitchen, she phoned the exterminator and asked him to please come down right away.

published by Renetta on 2021-10-13 09:28:34

The rude reporter would intrude every time Barry tried to speak, asking all kinds of silly questions.

published by Amie on 2021-07-01 20:10:28

The CIA began to intrude upon the conversations of private citizens in an effort to find out who was spying for Russia.

published by Rickie on 2021-05-18 21:07:37

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