
Il significato della parola Ingratitude è: a lack or absence of gratitude; thanklessness


After having received such a large gift, Harry displayed ingratitude when he began to complain that it was too small.

published by Keesha on 2021-08-19 11:27:23

The ingratitude of the young generation shouldn’t shock anyone because of how pampered and self-centered our society has become.

published by Shad on 2021-04-14 12:34:42

John feels that the corporate culture in his workplace is one of ingratitude, where everyone feels that they deserve everything without the slightest need to give back.

published by Corrin on 2021-12-19 07:00:26

The deathly sick man reflected on a life of selfishness and ingratitude, and worried where his soul would head after it left his body.

published by Edra on 2021-02-27 06:14:06

Because George demonstrated ingratitude by not showing up to his stepfather’s funeral, his sister stopped talking to him.

published by Suzan on 2021-04-18 05:31:33

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