
Il significato della parola Savagery è: an exploit involving brutality and viciousness


Judge Watson handed the defendants the maximum sentence under Virginia law due to the savagery of the crimes.

published by Doretta on 2021-07-25 03:43:16

Citizens were outraged at the savagery bestowed upon the prisoners of war which left them severely malnourished and almost dead.

published by Adelia on 2021-04-16 19:12:29

With constant beatings, this child abuse case was filled with such savagery that it was obvious the child needed to be removed from the home.

published by Leonardo on 2021-11-26 10:25:04

Dictators in communist governments usually rule through savagery and fear by killing citizens who do not completely follow their laws.

published by Geralyn on 2021-12-22 20:10:57

The bully’s victim pleaded with his parents to enroll him in another school in order to end the savagery he faced every day.

published by Quinn on 2021-01-15 15:49:41

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