
Il significato della parola Equivocate è: to use unclear language especially to deceive or mislead someone


When things are not going Margie’s way, she will often twist the truth and equivocate to put things in her favor.

published by Dorcas on 2021-11-21 01:48:20

The crooked salesman went out of his way to equivocate the sales terms to the elderly couple.

published by Merissa on 2021-02-16 20:08:28

Whenever the politician responded to questions, he would avoid eye contact and equivocate his answers.

published by Muriel on 2021-02-02 05:55:28

The prosecutor hoped he could equivocate enough to trick the suspect into confessing.

published by Sharan on 2021-08-24 09:18:53

In order to get people to buy the over-priced magazine subscription, you must know how to equivocate the fine print in the contract.

published by Karin on 2021-04-28 11:56:16

My sister is a chronic liar who will equivocate even when it’s easier to come out and tell the plain truth.

published by Bok on 2021-08-11 08:37:13

Rather than give you a straight answer, Henry will always equivocate his response.

published by Sergio on 2021-08-02 07:10:42

As a judge, Helen has taken an oath to never deliberately deceive or equivocate while presiding in a court of law.

published by Gwen on 2021-03-10 21:06:59

I want a man who will be honest with me and not equivocate to spare my feelings.

published by Cecelia on 2021-03-03 15:58:26

When Jim was asked about his most recent position during the interview, he seemed to equivocate with his response.

published by Graham on 2021-10-29 04:24:43

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