
Le sens du mot Bout est: a period of something, usually painful or unpleasant


After missing four days of school due to a bout of flu, Emily struggled to make up her missing work.

published by Shanelle on 2021-11-28 09:29:36

One bout of chicken pox may lead to shingles because both illnesses are related.

published by Ping on 2021-12-22 12:43:23

The bout of intensive running led to my preparation for the Boston Marathon.

published by Jaimie on 2021-03-20 15:39:02

Unlike his bout with cancer, Bill’s new treatment with multiple sclerosis was quite different.

published by Zulma on 2021-05-15 01:38:46

Due to the lawn just being mowed, everyone had a bout of sneezes with the pollen floating in the air.

published by Fredricka on 2021-05-10 09:53:43

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