
The meaning of the word Grasp is: to grip


He held her hand firm in his grasp and refused to let go.

published by Marica on 2021-05-23 08:02:47

As the clumsy camper slid down the mountainside, he was finally able to grasp a tree limb and hang on until rescuers arrived.

published by Marcy on 2021-09-02 12:42:48

Climbers wear special gloves designed to make it easier to grasp the slippery rocks.

published by Amee on 2021-11-25 22:22:48

The careful mother kept a firm grasp on her son’s hand as she lead him through the bustling crowds in Times Square.

published by Corrine on 2021-02-17 08:03:38

After hours of strenuous studying, she finally had a strong grasp of standard deviation.

published by George on 2021-06-11 12:14:49

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