
El significado de la palabra Introduce es: to bring a measure, product, or process into use for the first time


In an effort to modernize delivery, companies like Amazon have begun to introduce drones as a means of getting orders to doorsteps.

published by Malinda on 2021-07-07 06:41:48

World War One was the first conflict to introduce mechanized armies, including tanks, planes, and airships designed for combat.

published by Malisa on 2021-07-12 12:17:49

It can be dangerous to introduce a foreign species to an ecosystem, as an invasive species can upset the balance between predator and prey or even the food chain for herbivores.

published by Dusty on 2021-12-03 22:55:04

Doctors often introduce a weaker version of a virus to a patient’s bloodstream so their body can begin to build up resistance to the real deal.

published by Caridad on 2021-02-07 18:41:58

There are many substances that you should not introduce to each other, chief among them fire and gasoline, as well as oil and water.

published by Roberta on 2021-11-23 08:00:09

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